Getting Started

To start a new project, you can use the kgpu-template repository. It allows you to get a basic project setup by only needing to change a few files.

Cloning the project

Using Github

  1. Navigate to the kgpu-template repository
  2. Click the Use This Template Button

For more info, see Creating a repository from a template

No Github Account

  1. Navigate to the kgpu-template repository
  2. Click the Clone or Download (or Code) dropdown
  3. Select the Download Zip option

Editing the project settings

Once you have the project copied, then you can open it in any text editor, and then open the file.

You can edit the file to change the name of the project, the project's group, and the version of KGPU to use.

Here is an example properties file:

Editing Website

The last part of setup is setting up the index.html page to use.

Open the src/jsMain/resources/index.html file

Then change the ProjectName in the script source, to the name you set in the file.

     if (!navigator.gpu) {
        document.body.className = 'error';
        document.getElementById('content').hidden = true
        document.getElementById('errorMessage').hidden = false
<script src="ProjectName.js"></script> <!-- Change this line! -->

Start Coding

You can now start working on your project! There are three kotlin files in the template: Application, Desktop, and Browser

src/commonMain/kotlin/Application.kt: This is the code that is shared between all of the platforms.

src/jsMain/kotlin/Browser.kt: This is the code that will be compiled into javascript for the browser

src/jvmMain/kotlin/Desktop.kt: This is the code that will be compiled into java classes and executed on the Desktop via the JVM.

Running the application

To run on the desktop:

gradlew runJvm

To build the examples for the Web:

gradlew jsBrowserDistribution

And you can start a static file server for the web:

gradlew startWebServer

And then navigate to http://localhost:8080/index.html